PS: pa ne fotk ocenjevat, kako so posnete, pa kakšen šum imajo, pa kako je odrezan obraz... boter komaj uspe samo fotkat ali pa samo nasmejat svojo nečakinjo... kaj šele vse skupaj (sedaj se mi še noče smejat, če imam fotoaparat pred obrazom)... tko da samo nasmeh in njene plave učke gledat
this baby is sooo nice! and very smiling!!
thank you Sophie... she is spark in my life... just to translate for you what the post is about :)... today I become her godfather... she is my brother daugther... I make funny faces and shooting at the same time... so the photos are not so good (too much noise, blue color...)... but the main idea is to see here smiling :)
she is always so happy... I haven't seen her cry yet :)
I loooove cats!!:p
This baby is super if she never don't cry!!
(sorry for my english not good:s )
The blue color is beautiful! I like it!
I love this music, and her album (ayo - joycefull) is very pleasant too, but, this music is preferred
kak cuker!!! čestitke, boterček!
hvala nadangel... dolgo nisem tebe tukaj gor vidu :)
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